Date Posted: August 28, 2011

Good Fishing!!  That’s the report.  Simple but true.  The water levels are finally down to normal so wade fishing is good and of course drift fishing is still a good option for those not wanting to wade.  The fish are rising to midges and mayflies, with blue winged olives being the main mayfly hatch.  I took several nice browns and rainbows on soft hackles the last couple of days.  You may want to swing these without indicators and most takes will be at the end of the swing when the fly starts back to the surface.  Drifting a small midge under an indicator is another option that is working.
Generation for the first of this week is projected to be 2 units for 6 hours beginning at 1:00 pm.  This allows good wade fishing opportunities on the upper river in the morning and lower river in the afternoon.  Drift fishing conditions are good all day from the mid to lower river.
The river is still a little cloudy due to the water coming from the lake.  We are getting the cloudy water brought in by the large amount of runoff this spring.  This water is settling to the level (approx. 140 ft) that is drawn from the reservoir for the river.  With less generation this clarity should improve.  Sometimes the water having a little color is not such a bad thing.  The fishing is good, so enjoy the river.
The fall fishing is almost here and it looks good so now is the time to plan that fall trip.  Book your day now to reserve your pick of dates for this fall.

Good Fishing!!


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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