Haven't been fishing in a couple of days. I've been working on Trout Unlimited business and happy to report that after meeting with the governor today, I feel confident that the proposed pipeline across Cow Shoals has been stopped. Chesapeake has agreed to move the pipeline to a more suitable area and cross the river by horizontal drilling at least 30 feet below the bottom of the riverbed. Thanks to many persons, including Ted and Lou Ellen Treadway, and the governor for watching over our river. Thanks to Andrew Parker (Governor Beebe's liaison to the Game and Fish Commission) for bringing this to the attention of the governor. The public has to help us be stewards of the river and protect our premier trout fishery. The governor stated in the meeting that we must all be diligent in our efforts to protect this river.
They are still running the generation around the clock as of Friday. They have been fluctuating from 3500 cfs to 5500 cfs. This is one generator to 1 1/2 generators. Water is clear and hopefully without a big rain tonight we will see a break over the weekend with some low water. Drift fishing is fair to good on the one generator water. No wading opportunities. Be careful and keep a watchful eye on where your boat is heading while drifting. Avoid docks and other obstructions. Be Safe and Good Fishing
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