The weather and river are in good shape. With the cooler weather the generation is low and the water is clearing. The rainbows seem to be holding on the shoals and are taking small midge pupas and small soft hackles. I have been taking a lot of fish on a size 16 red ass. I have not seen any caddis, but the time is getting close so a caddis pupa might also be an option.
I have not noticed any increase in brown trout on the shoals but this should start later in October. The browns my clients have caught lately are random catches with no pattern. This should improve with the fall caddis activity. Hopefully the water conditions will remain good this fall and the spawn will be on schedule with November being the prime month.
The rainbow trout have been biting well and are in great shape. They are very active and put up a good fight when hooked. With the clear water, start looking for the fish on the shoals. When you see trout holding in a run, work them with small midge pupas under an indicator by casting above them, mending your line and get a good drift over the fish. Depth is a key factor in success so start deeper than you think and shallow up till the fish take your fly. Swinging a soft hackle by casting across the current and letting the fly swing downstream while watching your line is another way to catch these rainbows. Let the fly complete the swing until straight downstream and slowly strip the fly upstream a short distance before making your next cast. Wade slowly and look for the trout. Sight fishing is an exciting way to fish with polarized glasses a must.
Good Fishing!!
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