More of the same is a good thing when it means good water and good fishing. The generation remains about the same each day with about 3 hours of generation in the afternoon. This allows wade fishing but keeps fresh water in the river and a good depth of water on the shoals. Hopefully this will continue during the brown spawn later in the fall.
I fished Cow Shoal and Winkley Shoal last week mainly to see if any browns could be seen moving up on the shoals. I did not catch any large browns on the lower part of Cow Shoals but I did catch one nice brown on Winkley Shoal. Rainbows were plentiful on both shoals. The days I visited these shoals I did not see any signs of the brown trout moving. They will do it on their own schedule. There are some nice rainbows trying to spawn on some of the shoals.
Please remember during the brown spawning season to be careful of wading thru the redds (spawning areas prepared by the fish for their eggs). These will be recognized by a bright area on a gravel bottom, cleaned by the fish of all moss, silt and debris. Avoid wading over these areas since this disturbs the eggs that the fish have deposited. These redds can be located in any gravel area of the shoal, whether near the shore or in the middle of the river, so be alert when wading. Another good practice is to fish for the browns moving up on the shoals and holding below the redds. Let the fish on the redds complete their spawn unmolested. These spawning fish are the future of our brown trout in the Little Red so treat them accordingly.
Small midges, sow bugs and soft hackles still remain a good bet to catch fish.
Good Fishing!!
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