Last night we had a heavy rain storm and the river was muddy all day. It was too dingy to fish from below Canoe Creek, at the bottom of Cow Shoals, all the way to Ramsey access. They are generating tonight for 2 hours and are scheduled to generate for 2 hours in the morning from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. Hopefully, this will be enough generation to clear the river.
There are some brown trout beginning to move up on the shoals and a few redds have been spotted, but we’re still waiting for the main spawning run. My clients are catching a lot of nice rainbows and a few good browns. Good fishing has been the rule for the last few days with the lowest water of the year over the weekend. Generation started again on Monday evening and this may get the browns moving. Light generation has been the rule so far this week with plenty of wading opportunities. So far the generation has been very close to the schedule on the website.
The blue winged olives are still hatching, mostly in the afternoon, along with midges throughout the day.
Good Fishing!!
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