The weekend was cold early in the morning but warming each afternoon with a lot of wind. The rainbows were biting but we couldn’t find any browns. It seems that the spawn is over and the browns have backed off the shoals or they’re not interested.
I spoke with the Power Administration, who has taken back control of the generation since the lake is back to normal. They informed me that they would probably start an early morning and late evening generation pattern starting tomorrow. Later this week this may become an afternoon and evening pattern, which would be better for fishing opportunities. Hopefully by the weekend, we will have mild weather and low generation. This will allow more wading opportunities. Check the generation schedule on this site.
The river is clear and with the reduced generation, the fishing should be good. Drift fishing is good ,with more wading available if they go to the afternoon and evening generation pattern.
Our local Chapter 722 Trout Unlimited will have a member’s meeting at Mack’s Fish House on Saturday, February 18, 2012. This will be a noon meeting with members being able to purchase lunch from Mack’s regular menu. Jeff Williams, AG&F Trout Biologist, will be the guest speaker. This will be a good chance to get the latest information about our trout program. There will be door prizes and some nice raffle items. Mark your calendar and I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Oh by the way, Winston (the name my wife gave an eagle that fishes the river) was fishing on Sunday. It makes for a special day when you get to watch a bald eagle on the river.
Good Fishing!!
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