Date Posted: April 28, 2012

Fish are biting!!!!
The generation has been cut back to just a few hours in the evening each day.  The river is in the best shape for the last 3 years and the fish are biting.  With the low and clear water, the last few days on the river have been great. 
Thursday was cloudy and cool and the caddis hatch did not happen.  Friday and Saturday I saw very few caddis but the fish were still taking emergers and nymphs.  I feel sure there is still caddis activity in the water.  During the warmer times of the day I am also seeing some large mayflies hatching.
My fishermen have been catching lots of nice rainbows and some good browns.  Lisa and her son, Ryan, caught these two nice browns today.  A 15” and a 19” brown topped off a good morning of catching rainbows.

Good Fishing!!


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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