I’m hoping summer will be short this year since June and the first few days of July have been so hot. They are still generating in the afternoon and early evening with enough water to keep the river in good shape. I have been fishing the mid to lower river lately and the fish seem in good shape with plenty of fight.
The weather report is for cooler temperatures and rain chances for the coming week and this should help. The predictions are for some days with highs in the 80’s……..I’m thinking I’ll wear a jacket!! The fishing has actually been good for the amount of heat, with my fishermen catching good numbers and some good sized rainbows and a few good browns. Nymphs and emergers remain the best choice of flies. Morning trips are still the most comfortable and productive.
Ed had some fireworks on the 4th of July with this nice brown.
Burn Ban!! Extreme forest fire conditions! Be safe when camping.
Good Fishing!!
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