I am so lucky to live on a river that has abundant wildlife. One of the perks is being able to see wildlife interact naturally. The eagle flew over the geese which caused a barrage of honking and splashing and then the eagle landed on a log next to the flock. After the initial fear, the geese seemed to accept him and swam around him with a great deal of curiosity. There seems to be no hate between god's creatures in nature, just the understanding of the survival instinct. The geese know that the eagle is a threat, but only when he is hungry and is accepted when he is thirsty or in need of rest.
The fishing remains good with the brown trout beginning to spawn. (Please watch for the redds while wading and try to avoid them). (Redds are a brightly colored, clean spot on the gravel bottom.)Try fishing for the fish holding below the redds or moving up on the shoal. This allows the fish on the redd to spawn and increase our natural brown trout population.
The rainbows continue biting well, with nice size and beautifully colored fish being taken by my anglers. A nice 14 inch Brook Trout was a welcome addition to the catch last week. As I was trying to take his photo, he jumped and escaped my hand…….a likely story, but true. The rainbows continue being caught on midge pupas and blue winged olive nymphs and the brown trout are taking a mixed bag of sow bugs, red ass, large mayfly nymphs and egg patterns.
Merry Christmas and Good Fishing!!
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