Hi Folks,
Sorry for the delay in the fishing report. I took a little vacation to see my son in New York City last week. I enjoyed the trip, but was ready to return to the river and a little warmer weather….it was in the teens with gusty winds in the city.
They have been running about 1200 cfs (cubic feet per second) all last week and up until the rain yesterday. Today since the lake is again rising, they cracked two more floodgates and are now running about 2600 cfs. The river will be running about 4 foot high with this flow. This is still below one generator but will stop any wade fishing until they get the lake to normal. This will probably be about the middle of next week. The drift fishing has been good this past week and we’ll just have to see how the fish react to a little more water. The water was a little dingy today from the runoff but should clearing by tomorrow. Good drift fishing should return by Friday with the clearing water and the fish adjusting to the additional flow. Larger and heavier nymphs should be a good choice drifting in the swifter water.
Good Fishing!!
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