The storm on Monday muddied the river below Winkley Shoal. The one hour of generation on Monday evening and Tuesday and the three hour generation on Wednesday morning, cleared the river to Lobo Landing. This ranges from clear to Sulphur Creek to slightly stained at Lobo Landing. The lower river remains dingy.
Wednesday, October 15, was the last day that the power administration was required to generate one hour each day until next year. This legislation was put in effect last year when we had an issue with the water temperature in the lower river. Since Wednesday there has been no generation and there is none scheduled thru Monday. This brings the lowest water levels for the year and extra care should be taken while operating a boat on the river since the shoals are extremely shallow. Hopefully there will be some generation early next week.
The brown trout spawn has not shown any signs of starting. I have not noticed any activity such as small male browns jumping or seen any signs of browns moving up on the shoals. It is about the time of year for this to start, so it could happen any time.
With the low water conditions, small emergers and nymphs seem to be the best choices, with light tippet the rule in the clear water of the upper river.
Good Fishing!!
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