Date Posted: January 02, 2015

Update January 3:  The heavy rain (3 inches) came last night and the river is muddy! The runoff is like they are running one generator.  With the cold weather this week, generation should clear the river by midweek.

The river remains clear after the last two days of light rain.  Without any heavy rainfall this evening, the river should remain clear for the weekend.  There has been no generation for the last two days so the river is low.

The brown spawn has peaked with a few browns still on the shoals.  Please watch for the redds (spawning beds) while wading on the shoals. These will be seen as a clean shiny area on the gravel bottom.  Wading thru these areas disturbs the eggs and they will not hatch.  The feeding browns will probably be found at the top or bottom of the shoals in the deeper water after spawning.

Small emergers and midge pupa seem to be the best bet for the rainbows.  Since the water is clear, light tippet (6x) would be a good choice when using these small flies.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a happy beginning to the New Year.  A good New Year’s resolution could be practicing safety and courtesy on the river.  Thank you for following my website and I look forward to seeing you on the river.  If you have any questions or suggestions that I can address on this site, please send me an email thru this site and I will try to respond. 

Good Fishing!!


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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