The generation continues to be 1 unit about 20 hours per day. The river is clear after the big rain last weekend. Fishing has been slow due to the higher water and drift fishing is the only option at this time. The lake is about 8 inches high in the flood pool so the generation will probably stay the same until the lake returns to normal.
The brown trout are moving up but still not the numbers you would expect at this time. The colder weather will probably start the spawning. The rainbows are still trying to spawn and some large rainbows are being caught. Egg patterns, large nymphs and san juan worms seem to be the best choices for flies.
A heavy rain is forecast for this weekend. I checked with the Corp today and was told that one generator is still down for maintenance but they may use the flood gates to increase flow to the equivalent of two units if the rain causes a rapid rise in the lake. This all depends on the amount of rain and how it affects the White River. It would be best to check generation schedules before planning a weekend trip.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Good Fishing!!
Greg Seaton
Copyright 2026