Date Posted: September 06, 2016

Fishing was good over the holiday weekend.  The generation was stepped up to 9:00 am on Saturday but it has dropped back to 11:00 am on Tuesday and is forecast for 10:00 am on Wednesday. With the earlier generation mid and lower river was the best choice.  Staying ahead of the new water is the best bet for a good catch.
My fishermen are having good catches of rainbows with a few browns. There is a blue winged olive hatch in the afternoons just ahead of the generation. The fish are taking nymphs and emergers.  Pheasant tails, fox squirrel nymphs, hare’s ear nymphs and midge pupas are good choices in small sizes (16 to 20’s).
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend and don’t forget to meet with us at Red River Adventure Resort at the Old Swinging Bridge on Saturday, September 10 for the annual river clean up.  Lunch will be furnished for the volunteers.

Good Fishing!!
Greg Seaton


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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