Date Posted: April 12, 2017

Update 2/13:   The generation did not end at midnight as expected because of a problem switching over to Table Rock Dam.  The generation is now scheduled to end by about 10:00 am on Thursday and should be demand only which is about 2 to 3 hours of afternoon or evening generation over the weekend.

Good News!  
Southwest Power has informed me that the 24/7 generation will end at
midnight on Wednesday, April 12.  This means low water and good fishing.
The normal generation of a few hours each afternoon or evening should be the pattern for the next few days unless we have a big rain event.  The Corp would like the lake level to remain below the normal pool while the work continues on the dam’s flood gates.

The caddis hatch continues and while the fish have been feeding deep during the high water, they should now start feeding on emergers nearer the surface.
If fish are rising, emergers or dry flies should be good choices and if not, one might use caddis pupas or weighted emergers. Today, even though the river was high, there was a visible caddis hatch (both the small grey caddis and the larger tan variety).

I would like to wish all a blessed, safe and happy Easter.

Good Fishing!!
Greg Seaton

This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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