The storms Saturday night and Sunday caused flash flooding on the river with levels reaching heights in some areas that caused damage to homes and property. Since I too live on the river, I know the joy and beauty of nature but also understand its dangers. My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the storm. The river has returned to a more normal level today with the runoff from the storm keeping it about the same as one unit of generation. The river is muddy from the flood waters. The level of Greers Ferry Reservoir is about 467 feet which is 5 feet above the 462.04 normal level. These rising levels are beginning to stabilize Monday afternoon and this is a good sign. The Corp has told me that beginning tomorrow they plan to release the equivalent of 3000 daily cubic feet which is approximately one generator around the clock. This will continue unless it increases or aggravates flooding on the lower Little Red or White River at Georgetown. When the water levels at Georgetown recede, the generation will be increased to lower the lake level. Check generation schedules for updates on this schedule. The generation will help the river clearing and fishing should improve with the clearing water. Be sure to check water levels on local streams and rivers during this time before planning a trip and be safe.
Good Fishing!! Greg Seaton 501-690-9166
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.