Date Posted: July 26, 2017

The latest report on river levels is for 12 hour generation to continue from 2:00 pm to 2:00 am during the week and cutting back to power demand on the weekend.  This should allow for more wading opportunities and good fishing all around. The river is clear and drift fishing is good by staying ahead of the new water each day. Fishing remains good with midges and blue winged olives the best insect activity.

Check the generation before your trip because changes to the posted data happen due to increased demands for power and other reasons.  USACE Little Rock is a good app for your cell phone (add 1 hour to the start time: example: if the app shows 8:00 am, the generation started at 7:00 to reach that amount) and the Corp is now announcing the starting time for the generation
(This is exact) on the recording when you call 501-362-5150 and 3# ext. The following are approximate times when 2 unit generation will arrive at these locations.
    Cow Shoals:              1 hour
    Winkley Shoal:          3 hours
    Lobo Landing:           5 hours
    Dripping Springs:      6 hours
    Ramsey Access:       8 hours

Hopefully this will help all plan your fishing and recreation on the river safely.  Enjoy the river and please respect it and be safe.  Canoeing, kayaking and fishing are much safer on low water. Only experienced persons should navigate the river during high water generation. Knowing which section of the river to fish or paddle according to the generation will add to your enjoyment and safety on the river.

Good Fishing!!

Greg Seaton

This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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