The river remains low and clear. Fish are holding mostly at the top and bottom of shoals in the deeper water. Small pupas, nymphs and sow bugs seem to be the best fly choices. As of Tuesday morning, we have had very little rain and seemed to have missed the heavy rains from the hurricanes. Hopefully this will be the same for the rest of the week. Generation schedules remain the afternoon variety with one or two units running from 2 to 3 hours starting after 2:00 pm. Check this daily to plan your outing. The projected generation is posted each day after 4:00 pm for the next day and Friday's posting is for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Current generation can be found by calling the dam (501-362-5150.....3#).
Thanks to all who helped with the river clean-up on Saturday, September 9th. Please remember you can help by picking up litter you see while enjoying the river. My father told me to always take home more than you brought....while enjoying the outdoors. Simple words, but it sure helps keep our rivers and lakes beautiful.
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.