Due to the lake being 8 ft. above the normal pool, the Corp of Engineers is releasing water thru the floodgates in addition to the normal 2 units of generation. This means the flow on the river will be 8500 to 10,000 cfs. This is about 2500 to 3000 cfs above the high-water flow of 2 units. Please be advised that this is hazardous flow for boating the river. Especially in small craft such as canoes, kayaks or small fishing boats. This flow will continue around the clock until such time as the Corp feels that the 2 unit generation will take care of the excess. At that time this generation will continue around the clock until the lake gets within a foot of the normal pool. I will post again as soon as new information is available.
Please use care and be safe on the river!
Greg Seaton
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