The rollercoaster ride continues. We went from Spring back to winter and now spring has returned. The storms last Friday night dropped about 2 inches of rain and raised the lake level about a foot. This caused the generation to be increased back to 2 generators running for 12 hours per day. Times of this generation vary so check the proposed generation for the next day. Monday was a tough day due to the new generation and fluctuation of the water level in the river but Tuesday was good by staying ahead of the generation. Insect hatches are beginning to occur on the river with Caddis and March Browns beginning to appear. Both are being taken subsurface so nymphs or Caddis pupa are a good choice of flies. This generation pattern will continue until the lake reaches normal pool. It looks like another weather event is due this weekend so we’ll have to watch this. Good Fishing!! Greg Seaton 501-690-9166
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.