Due to local heavy rain below the dam, the river is muddy today from mid-river to lower-river. The Corp has requested an increase in the generation due to a slight rise in the lake. This generation starting today (Thursday) should help clear the river for Friday and thru the weekend. Hopefully we will miss any heavy rain in the area.
The generation will be 2 units in the afternoon hours. This will be for about 6 hours each afternoon. Morning canoeing and kayaking should be the best time and all boaters and fisherman should check the schedule and be prepared for this rise each day. Please take care when this generation reaches your area of the river. Never approach the upstream end of the docks because of the undertow created by the current. The current in the river increases drastically when the generated water reaches your area. All types of boating should take extra care in the generated water.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. Be safe and courteousand enjoy the river.
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.