Tropical storm, Gordon, has played hit and miss with the river all week. Starting Wednesday, heavy showers for short periods followed by sun has been the pattern. It has rained enough to make the river cloudy in areas where the feeder creeks have dumped colored water. This report is being written on Saturday evening and the forecast is for possible heavy rain tonight. They only generated one unit for 2 hours this afternoon so this is not enough to clear the river if the heavy rain occurs. If we miss this heavy rain tonight, the river should be in good shape.
I have been having good luck with size 16 and 18 pheasant tails and size 20 midge pupa. When there is no insect activity, size 14 and 16 sow bugs have been producing. The bite has been the best from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on the lower river where I fished over the weekend and Monday.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the river clean-up today. We had a good size group that did a good job, getting a lot of trash and debris from the river. It’s always good to visit and work with a group that cares for the river.
Kathy McGlothin caught this nice, heavy 18 inch Rainbow last Saturday on a size 20 midge.
Good going Kathy!
Good Fishing!!
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.