Date Posted: January 12, 2020

After receiving 3 inches of rain on Friday night, the lake is now 465.22 feet which is 3 feet in the flood pool.  This means the Corp of Engineers will now be requesting additional releases to lower the lake.  The amount released each day will be dependent on how much the lower Little Red and the White River will allow.  The river is clearing with the generation, but the water is high and the flow is about 6300 cfs.  Forecasted hours and amounts of generation will be posted on USACE Little Rock App and Corp of Engineers website.

Notice: I am happy to announce that the free fly-fishing class will again be offered by First United Methodist Church in Heber Springs with the first class on Thursday, February 20th at 7:00 pm. The class will be each Thursday for 4 consecutive weeks.  I am happy to be teaching this class for the eighth year and would like to invite anyone interested in learning to fly fish or expand their knowledge of fly fishing to attend. If interested, please call me at 501-690-9166 for additional information or to register for the class. There is no charge for this class.

Good Fishing!!

Greg Seaton

This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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