The river remains low with minimum generation of about 1 hour late in the afternoon. This means the water is beginning to get warmer downstream. The fishing yesterday was good but not as good as last week. I think this is due to the fish adjusting to the lower water conditions and increase in water temperature. But don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, the water is low and the weather is great. We caught a good number of rainbows with the average about 12 to 14 inches and a few 15 and 16 inch fish.
Wet wading is an option on the river now with higher water temps. Look for the fish in the deeper sections of the shoals. Try smaller nymphs when fishing the lower water conditions. With the warmer water the fish are easier to stress, so if you're a catch and release fisherman, you might want to land the fish as soon as possible and release them with a minimum of handling.
You may be catching some smaller rainbows than normal. This is due to a stocking of a new strain of rainbows that are about 3 to 4 inches. This is a trial program to see if these rainbows are able to survive and grow faster since this size trout adapt quicker to the river than larger fish. It seems the longer the fish stay in the hatchery the slower they learn to feed on natural food in the river. The regular stocking will also continue, so ease the little guy back and give them a chance.
The weather has really changed. Mornings are cool with a slight smell of autumn in the air. It looks good for the fall fly fishing. Hope you're able to come and enjoy the river.
Good Fishing!!
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