Date Posted: August 17, 2020

Slightly cooler weather is expected this week and this will be a welcome change to the last few days.  They have been generating in the afternoon and early evening and this has kept the water temperature, ranging from 50° at the dam to 63°at the 305 Bridge.  The river is clear and generation has been 2-units from about 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  This can vary so one should check the next day forecast before planning your trip.

My fishermen have taken a few browns lately with a 17” and 20” fish being the largest.  Mostly rainbows in the 12” to 15” range. Quite a few smaller rainbows are being caught due to a recent stocking of smaller fish.  Small mayfly nymphs and midge pupa are a good choice of flies and emergers are also good if there is a blue wing olive hatch in the area where you are fishing.

The river is a good place to enjoy the outdoors and since so many are being confined more due to the virus, it can get crowded on the weekends.  Many come just to kayak, canoe or boat ride which is fine but please give the fishermen as wide a berth as possible since the trout don’t appreciate noise and boats passing overhead. While motoring, please slow down to an idle when passing other boats that are fishing and occupied docks, since your wake can be dangerous to anchored boats or people standing in boats or on docks while fishing.  This also should be observed when passing kayaks and canoes.
Another good rule is to pass behind boat fishermen when possible.  This does not disturb the area where they are fishing.
River etiquette and courtesy will be appreciated by others and make your day more enjoyable.

Good Fishing!!

Greg Seaton

This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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