Date Posted: September 06, 2010

I had a great weekend with guide trips Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  The fish were cooperating and the weather was great.  I wore a jacket for the first time in a while early Saturday and Sunday. With low, clear water I fished the mid-river section out of Lobo with good success.  All rainbows with some good fish.  The fish were taking midge pupas and sow bugs on the shallow shoals and an olive nymph in deeper water. 

The generation was a bare minimum all weekend.  The moss is returning to the river after all the high water and as usual this time of the year, you can expect to clean your fly if you're using a heavy nymph.  You might want to try a little lighter fly at this time.  It will tend to drift over the moss.  When the sunlight hits the moss in these low water conditions it seems to put on a new growth which is a little nuisance.

Quite a few fishermen were on the river over the holiday with Sunday and Monday being the busiest days. I think dove season and the Razorback game kept the numbers down on Saturday.  I hope everyone had good luck and enjoyed the river.

The weather forecast is for some rain the first part of this week and I'll keep you posted on the water conditions. 

River Cleanup is Saturday, September 11 at 8:00 am at the Ozark Angler.  Free lunch for the volunteers!!!!!!

Good Fishing!!


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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