For the past few days SWPA, South West Power Administration has been running 2 units of generation starting at 1 pm and running till 7 pm.
With high temperatures in the 90's and heat index's in the triple digits, I'd look for the SWPA to continue this generation schedule. We had a few days with very minimal generation on hot days and water temps at Dripping springs access were 69 degrees. From lack of generation. Let's hope the SWPA continue to run water while it's hot. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.
Also check the water quality feature on the app on days when there is not running much water. High water temps are stressful this time of year on fish. Quickly return them to the water and try not to over play them.
The best bite has been early in the morning. The current generation schedule has opened up opportunities to wade and fish the entire river. Nymphing the falling water from the boat has been great Pheasant tails, Guide Choice Hares ear & Sow-Bug patterns have been producing. Try fishing the deep holes and oxygenated riffles.
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