SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a consistent generation schedule usually starting at 2 pm and running till 7 pm. The weekend generation schedule has been similar with some reduced flows. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. Also click onto the water quality feature that shows water temperatures along the river. I'd expect to see the same generation schedule continue while we remain in this heat wave.
The current schedule has created excellent wading opportunities for the entire river. With actual temperatures in the 100's forecasted for the entire week and with some reduced flows over the weekend, fish will get stressed out when the water temperature rises. Quickly return them to the river and try not to over play them.
Try fishing the deep holes and oxygenated shoals. The best bite has been early morning before it gets hot.Small pheasant tail nymphs, Guide's Choice Hares ear and Midges have been working great.
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