Looking Good!!!
The weather and water conditions continue to look good. I had a good week last week with my clients catching a lot of good rainbows and a couple of nice browns. I am beginning to see some nice browns moving up to the bottom of the shoals. They should start feeding more as the spawning period gets nearer. I had a large brown chase a customer's rainbow while on the line----pretty exciting time!!
The midges are still hatching in the mornings. They are very small. I have been using a size 20 midge pupa and this is large for the size coming off but the trout seem to like it. There are also a few mayflies hatching and soft hackles are producing. You might want to use a hopper or beetle for your indicator especially if you notice the trout rising to look at your indicator.
The last few days I have been taking some caddis cases off my clients' flies as we are drifting the shoals. (Check the hook on your fly often since the cases are just the right size to slip over the hook point.) The pupa are still in the case so this is a sign the October caddis hatch is getting near. A small caddis pupa may be a good choice in the next few days.
They have run the generators a little more the last couple of days and are scheduled to continue this pattern today. The pattern is two generators for 2 hours and one generator for one hour. This three hour period is usually about 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We have needed this to cool the water and flush the leaves that have begun to fall. This should help put a little more water on the shoals and make the fish move up.
Good Fishing!!
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