The fish are moving up on the shoals. The blue wing olives are hatching and the oxygen level is higher in the faster water so this makes for good trout habitat. On Monday and Tuesday the fishing was good using size 20 midges. Since midges and blue wings are coming off on the shoals, the pupa can represent either of the two to the trout. A few fish hit grasshoppers that I was using as indicators for the midges.
The river is getting clearer each day with the minimum generation and water levels are quite low. Stealth is necessary when approaching the trout in these conditions and presentation becomes more important , with the angler having to make better mends and fewer casts.
If you're using a boat, be aware that the river is lower than it has been in sometime and areas that you are used to running without incident may now present problems, so be careful.
The past few days they have been running one generator for one hour in the late afternoon. This is a common trend for this time of year with the lake being low. I spoke with the Corp of Engineers today and they informed me that since Greers Ferry was the lowest of the three conservation pools, we would be getting the least generation, so we should remain in this pattern until colder weather increases the demand for electricity.
Good Fishing!!
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