The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running water most days starting sometime late in the afternoon and usually running for an hour or two. Then there's days when they don't run anything at all. I'd expect to see the same generation schedule unless it gets hot again but I think Fall has finally settled in. The bite has been best on the days when they run water the previous night.
Start fishing early while there's still some flowing water falling out from the previous night's generation schedule .With the low flows try fishing anywhere there's still some current the fish will be in the oxygenated shoals and in the deep holes below the shoals. The deep slow moving pools have been holding fish especially if there's a bunch of moss beds in the area. Set your indicator deep and fish the deep slow sections that most people float through.
The patterns I've been fishing the most have been Peach or Apricot egg patterns. Anything buggy, Pheasant tail soft hackles or Guide Choice Hare's ears. And Midge's. Lately I've been running two rods. One of the rods is set up with either a single egg pattern or a San Juan Worm. The other rod is set up with a double nymph rig and has a buggy pattern as the top fly and 16 inches below it I have a midge dropper.
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