The recent rain, totaling two and a half inches, has
caused the lake to rise above power pool levels. As a result, the Army
Corps of Engineers is operating two generators 24/7 to manage the water
levels. This generation schedule is expected to continue until Greers
Ferry lake reaches normal pool levels, which is projected by the USACE
Little Rock App for March 25th.
the current water conditions, Mike is launching his boat at JFK Park
and using a deep water nymph rig set at depths ranging from 6ft to 12ft
depending on the river depth. He's having success with a Pink San Juan
Worm with split shot above it. Additionally, the streamer bite has been
good under the current generation schedule. Mike recommends trying
Double Deceivers in White or Yellow and Brown, casting towards the bank
and varying your retrieve to entice bites.
For more information or to book a fishing trip, you can contact Mike Winkler at 501-507-3688 or visit his website at Happy fishing!
This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORTfor current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.