The river remains extremely low with no generation. The schedule does not show any generation for the weekend. The cold temperatures could cause some generation but it is doubtful.
The shoals are shallow and the fish are spooky. The best bet is to find some slightly deeper water at the top or bottom of the shoal and look for fish holding and feeding in these areas. There are some browns beginning to move up on the shoals. I have seen a few large females moving on the shoals in the last two days but they don't seem interested. Most of the browns being caught are still in deeper water. I keep expecting things to start any day but so far not much spawning activity. Whether the low water conditions will affect the spawn remains to be seen. It may, at least, cause the browns to spawn in slightly different parts of the shoals than usual.
The rainbows are doing good with midge pupas and mayfly nymphs being the flies of choice. Size 20 midges and up to size 12 mayfly nymphs are taking fish. Most of the rainbows are being taken in two to four feet of water.
If you're planning on boating to a shoal or drift fishing, be advised that the river is low and the rocks are high. A bad combination for boats and motors. Be careful!!
Good Fishing!!
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