Something new on the website.....Check out the video tab on the left menu. I have added a couple of slide shows that are of general interest. Take a look, I hope you like them.
I fished for a couple of hours this afternoon. Figured I would get out between the snow events. We got about 3 inches of snow on Friday. I caught several nice rainbows ....no browns. I wade fished using an olive streamer, sow bug and midge pupas catching fish while using each one. The most strikes came on the midge pupa.
The river is clear after the generation on Saturday morning and the fish are active. There was some surface activity but I couldn't see any insects. The fish were probably still keying on small midge emergers and pupa.
They are schedule to generate Monday morning, but they were not scheduled to generate on Saturday and they did, so we'll just have to wait and see if the scheduled generation takes place tomorrow. The weather is supposed to go downhill for the first part of this week with more snow and cold weather on the way. Hang in there.....spring is on the way!!
A couple of Notes:
1. I will be teaching a free fly fishing class at First United Methodist Church in Heber Springs. The first class will be at 7:00 pm. on Monday, February 21st with classes each Monday at 7:00 pm for about 6 weeks. If you are interested, please call me at 501-365-3330 and enroll. If I am on the river, please leave a call back number and I will return your call.
2.The local chapter 722 of Trout Unlimited is having a members meeting at Mack's Fish House in Heber Springs at noon on Saturday, February 19th. Please join us for lunch. If it's a nice day come to fish and take a break for lunch and come to the meeting. If the weather is not so nice, come to the meeting anyway, we would like to see you. If you're not a member, please come and meet us and see what we're planning for this year.
Good Fishing!!
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