Date Posted: March 02, 2011

Hi Folks,

Sorry I haven’t posted any reports for a few days.  I had some problems with the website.  Hopefully now all is well.

We have had a couple of rain events and an earthquake since my last report.  We didn’t have any damage from the quake but it shook me pretty good in my recliner.  I don’t want to do it again.  My first tremor and I hope my last!

The rain muddied the river for a couple of days so I fished at the dam on Sunday.  The fish were biting and we caught a lot of good rainbows and a couple of small brook trout.  The fish are in good shape with vivid color and heavy.

They have increased the generation over the last few days.  They ran one to one and a half units all day today and are scheduled to do the same tomorrow.  The good news is that this has cleared the river and if they cut back by the weekend, the fishing should be great.

Another note:  As president of the local chapter of Trout Unlimited, I have been attending meetings addressing the cutback in funding the hatchery, the seismic testing for gas under the lake and the gas drilling in general.  These all threaten the very things that bring all of us so much joy. I would ask that all of you take the time to inform your local, state and federal officials that you do not want to risk our natural resources for the sake of the almighty dollar.  I would rather it be said that I am overprotective of our lake and river, than hear it said that I didn’t step up when I had the chance to protect these beautiful natural resources.


This report is included in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s fishing report. If there is the lake or stream you plan to fish visit the AGFC's FISHING REPORT for current news on other great fishing and recreational areas throughout the beautiful state of Arkansas.

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