Well spring has sprung, the weather has warmed and life is good. Even the fish are biting. What a way to start a fishing report! With an opening like that, it’s hard to follow, but here goes.
The caddis are hatching and that means a lot of hungry trout. They are taking caddis emergers, soft hackles and dry flies. The march browns are still hatching but the fish are keying on caddis. Fish can be found on the shoals and also in the drop-offs below the shoals. Watch the caddis and figure out on what part of the hatch the fish are feeding. If no insects are rising from the river, try a caddis pupa. When the fish are swirling and flashing right under the surface, the emerger or soft hackle will be your best bet. Probably fished on the swing or under and indicator with a little weight. Then when the fish are breaking the surface, try the dry fly.
Watch the fish and the caddis. Sometimes when you see a lot of caddis in the air, they may have hatched the evening or night before you arrived on the river. If no fish are rising this is probably the case, so fish a pupa or an emerger, deep under an indicator. If the hatch is on, the fish will be rising to catch the insects before they escape the surface film.
The river is still low and clear with the water warming. The water was dingy on Monday after the rain, but it has cleared after the generation on Tuesday night.
Good Fishing!!
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