The sun is shining…..thank goodness!! The weather has changed for the better and the river is cloudy but clearing. The generation has been such that drift fishing is available on about one generator of water. You just have to pick the section of river that has that type water.
The water in the upper river, above Winkley Shoal, is clear. The rest of the river is cloudy and fishable except when they run two generators, then it stirs up the water and it gets muddy and high for a while.
Right now, it’s on a daily basis as far as the generation amounts. You need to check on generation schedules. White River flooding is the reason they are not generating full throttle on the Little Red. If they release too much water it will worsen the flooding on the White River. I think they will establish a generation pattern in the next few days as the lakes and rivers crest. Right now it seems the generation is set as permitted by the flood stages on the White River.
They are starting generation about 5:00 to 6:00 am and stopping around 9:00 to 10:00 pm, so this eliminates any wade fishing. Again, check the generation daily and you may find some windows to wade the upper shoals and the park area.
I’ll keep you posted on any changes.
The corp said there will be no generation May 6th thru May 8th. Due to the extreme flooding on the White River they will not generate on the Little Red until the water below the confluence of the Little Red and White rivers begins to recede. The first of next week they should start running the equivalent of one generator for 24 hrs or two generators for 12 hours. This can vary day to day according to the demand periods for electricity.
Be Safe and Good Fishing!!
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