Hi Folks,
Just an update to say all is the same, which is good. The fishing continues to be excellent with my clients noticing larger rainbows and the quality of the fight is great. With this generation pattern the water is staying cold and the fish are very active. Break-offs are more common since the fish make a good strong first run and you have to let them take line.
The river remains clear with good generation. They are running the generators from about 11:00 am to 11:00 pm each day. This allows drift fishing all day and wade fishing for periods on each stretch of the river except the Ramsey area where the water never quite gets low enough to comfortably wade. The fish are taking sow bugs, midges, caddis emergers and mayfly nymphs. The blue wing olive hatch is starting with some days better than others. The rainbows my clients are taking are good size with some in the slot and some nice browns.
Barring a large amount of rainfall, this generation pattern should last for the approximately the next month. The power administration tells me that throughout the summer months the generation will depend on the amount of water the White river can accommodate and stay within the gauge at Newport and Georgetown.
The fishing is fantastic so you should be fishing.
I will be without my computer and phone for a few days. If you need to contact me, please leave a message and I will return your call on Sunday.
Good Fishing!!
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